14-India, Salvations

4 Hindu’s Receive Jesus, Spiritual Vision Opened

Today, we spent the afternoon ministering in Pastor Stephan’s church. Currently, it is meeting in a house. People pressed into the small room and out into the hallway in order to hear Pastor Bill speaking. Pastor Bill talked about the Father spending 9 months on creating us just the way He wants us. At the conclusion of the message, one man responded to Pastor Bill’s call to salvation! Pastor Bill sang a song that he wrote about how the Father signs a song over us.

Then, we had the opportunity to pray for each person individually. A Hindu woman and her two sons came forward for healing prayer. After explaining the Gospel to them, all three prayed with Troy to receive Jesus! Many of the people came forward asking for more fire and hunger for The Lord – it is exciting to see the Indian believer’s so hungry for The Lord!

At the conclusion, a young lady came forward and shared a testimony of many in her village receiving The Lord after she was used to raise a relative from the dead. Her relative had died in the hospital and been sent home for the wake. This 18 year-old girl closed all the doors, laid her Bible on the dead body (which she is illiterate and can’t read), and prayed for resurrection. The boy came back to life and many in the family and community came to receive Jesus. Her pastor confirmed the testimony. When she arrived at our meeting tonight, she saw the entire room glowing with white balls of light that she felt was the power of God.


















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