14-India, Salvations

Children Encouraged, Ragpickers Receive Good News

Pastor Rohit and his wife, Sharon, offer classes and tutoring to almost 300 children every day. In the morning, about 100 children whose parents are migrant workers or are extremely poor ragpickers come to their school to receive education that they are unable to receive at the government schools. In the afternoon, about 200 children come to their afterschool tutoring program. Not only do these children learn educationally, but they also receive the Gospel and learn how to live as Christians. This has brought many children and their families into relationship with Jesus. God is so wise and creative in His ways of drawing people to Himself.

We were also able to walk across the street from the ministry school to share with the ragpickers there. As we entered, a small group of women, children, and men joined us under a small shelter to hear about Jesus. Pastor Bill gave a simple Gospel presentation, encouraged the people of the Lord’s love for them, and prayed for some physical needs of the people. A couple of them prayed to receive The Lord and they were all encouraged by our visit.


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