11-India, Salvations

Taxi Driver Receives Jesus During Our Layover in New Dehli

Standing on the curb by his taxi, Wajir looked up to see his next group of passengers coming towards him.  It is midnight in New Delhi (India’s Capital) and the group of Americans want to go see the India Gate and the Presidential Palace during their layover.  This was an odd request for this time at night, but Wajir smiled and nodded, and thus the trip began.  Wajir noticed that this group of Americans kept referring to someone named Jesus as they prayed for the president, the parliament, the military, and the nation of India.  Arriving at the India Gate, the group walked over to the WW1 monument and prayed out Psalm 24, declaring that the gates of India would open up and that the King of Glory, Jesus, would come in.

Pastor Mary Pat saw two giant angels take up their station on either side of the “Gate.”  After releasing the power and love of God, the team jumped back in the car and headed to the airport.  While driving his taxi, Wajir heard the good news that Jesus wants a personal relationship with Him, and that He is the one true God.  Wajir prayed to receive Jesus, renouncing his former dead religion.  He testified of a new lightness and peace coming over him during the prayer.  Thank you Jesus for this first salvation before we even arrived at our first destination!


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