
Humpback Whales Breaching at Our Land, Corner Markers in Place

After a tasty breakfast of fresh tomato and onion sandwiches provided by some of the local church women, we packed our day bags and headed for our land! We bumped along the rugged terrain in the back of a rented pick-up truck, and once the truck couldn’t go any further, we piled out and trudged through the brush and up a large sand dune. Reaching the top of the dune was quite a feat, but the view from the top was more rewarding than an Olympic trophy. “It’s hard to believe places like this still exist,” someone commented as we stood and looked out in awe. The pristine beach that laid before us stretched for miles on each side, untouched and undeveloped. The power of God was on display as the deep blue waves of the Indian Ocean peaked in white caps before crashing ashore. Looking out into the ocean, Andy and a few others even saw a water spout from a whale several hundred yards offshore! After just a few moments of taking in the view, team members ran down to dive in to the salty waters, while others collected shells on the beach. All too soon, it was time to climb back up the dune and head back for another night of crusade. As we took one more glance at the breath-taking view, Troy saw a whale pop out of the water and flop back down on its side. He shouted to the rest of us, and after just a few moments, many others got to witness the whale breach again! We could hardly believe our eyes, and all we could do was thank God for providing us the privilege of seeing such a sight. Getting the chance to enjoy this land while also dreaming with God about His plans for it was truly a blessing for each team member that will not soon be forgotten.


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