14-Mozambique, Healings, Salvations

First Night of Crusade in Praia – 24 Receive Jesus, Physical Healings

Today we headed for the hills (literally!) as we ventured near the land FMI has been blessed with in Mozambique. Our leaders stopped for a short visit with a chief of the region, and during their meeting, he prayed to receive the Lord! We continued onwards and set up camp on a picturesque peak littered with palm trees and huts, overlooking a grassy field. The sun set on the horizon as we put up our tents and set up for tonight’s crusade with great anticipation for what God would pour out on this city on a hill. As worship started, a crowd began to gather and after whetting their appetite with dance competitions and dramas, the Gospel was shared and 24 people prayed to invite Jesus into their hearts! Healings then ensued, including a woman who had suffered from stomach pain for a month, another case of stomach pain that had lasted 2 months, and a woman who had leg pain for 1 year! We thanked God for His mighty outpouring and invited everyone to return tomorrow for another night of miracles, encouraging them to bring friends and family.


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